Thursday, November 28, 2013

5 facts (tucker)

1.Tucker is a DOG,not a cat.
2.Tucker LOVES,not like,naps.
3.Tucker is TWO,not three.
4.Tucker's birthday is AUGUST,not June.
5.Tucker is SO SWEET,not a little sweet.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013


Step1: take a lollipop 
Step2: wrap a tissiue around the lollipop
Step3: write eyes a mouth on the tissiue (make sure it's tight)
Step4: write BOO on the side
Step5: eat it!

We made these in activity girls!!!

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

8 things Better than enchiladas

1.Mac in cheese is yummier.
2.Pie is yummier.
3.Shrimp is yummier.
4.Juice is yummier
5.Tucker is Better.
6.Crabs are Better.
7.Fish are Better.
8.Cats are Better.

Monday, April 1, 2013


Soccer is a fun sport.You kick a ball in a goal.A goal is when you kick a ball in a net.On games you play against a other team.On practice you warm up for the games.The most important thing in soccer is to be aggressive.It is also important to spread out for a pass.A pass is when you pass a ball to one of the teammate.There are offense,defense,and goalie.The End.